

천정환 프로필 사진
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    건국대학교 수의학

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    창조관(B동) 527호

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- (학사) 건국대학교 수의학과 

- (석박사) 건국대학교 수의학과

교육 및 연구경력

<자격 및 면허>

2009 한국수의사 면허취득(농림축산식품부)

2020 미국수의사 면허취득(조지아주)


2015- 2018: US FDA (미국 식품의약품안전처), Postdoc fellow

2018- 2019: 오클라호마 주립대학교 부속동물병원 (연수수의사) 

2020- 2021: 광양동물메디컬센터 (진료수의사)

2021- 2022: 경인여자대학교 반려동물보건학과 (조교수)

2022- 현재 : 인제대학교 반려동물보건학과 (조교수)

기타 및 학술관련 경력

- 동물보건사교수협의회 (정회원)

- 식품위생안전성학회(편집간사)

연구 관심 분야

- 반려동물 위장질환 관련 위해세균 검출 연구 

- 반려동물의 약물 사용과 항생제 내성 관련 연구

- 반려동물 기능성 식품 및 사료의 안전성 및 효능연구

강의 분야

동물보건외과/내과학, 동물병원영상학, 동물병원실무, 동물공중보건학

저서 및 주요 논문

저서 및 역서

- 동물보건내과학(범문에듀케이션, 2023)

- 동물보건외과학(범문에듀케이션, 2023)

- 동물공중보건학(박영사, 2023)

- 동물보건임상병리학(범문에듀케이션, 2022)

- 동물병원실무(범문에듀케이션, 2022)

- 동물보건의약품학(범문에듀케이션, 2022)

- 한번에 정리하는 동물보건사 핵심기본서 (박영사, 2021)

- Frontiers in Staphylococcus aureus (InTech, 2017)


-  수의위해세균 진단기술개발(살모넬라, 캠필로박터) 및 애완견, 사람의 기능성 식품 관련 총 27건 특허등록


- 현재까지 논문 180여편(주저자 75편)

- 최근 SCI 주저자(아래 참조)

- Kim and Chon et al., (Co-first) Identification and phylogenetic analysis of Enterococcus isolates using MALDI-TOF MS and VITEK 2. AMB Express (2023)

- Hong et al., (Corresponding) Gold Nanoparticle and Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)-Based Colorimetric Assay for the Identification of Campylobacter spp. in Chicken Carcass. Food Sci Anim Resour (2023)

- Chon et al.,  Strategies for expanding HACCP certification rate using an awareness survey of dairy farmers. International Journal of Dairy Technology (2021)

- Chon et al., Detection of Campylobacter jejuni from fresh produce: comparison of culture- and PCR-based techniques, and metagenomic approach for analyses of the microbiome before and after enrichment. Journal of Food Protection    (2021) 

- Chon et al., Development of a new chromogenic medium for the enumeration of Bacillus cereus in various ready-to-eat foods. Food Control (2021)

- Chon et al., Evaluation of ceftazidime as an antibiotic supplement of mannitol-yolk-polymyxin B agar used for the enumeration of Bacillus cereus in ready-to-eat vegetables. Journal of Food Protection (2021)

- Lim et al., (Corresponding) Effectiveness of calcium hypochlorite, quaternary ammonium compounds, and sodium hypochlorite in eliminating vegetative cells and spores of Bacillus anthracis surrogate. Journal of Veterinary Science (2021)

- Chon et al., Fate and survival of Listeria monocytogenes and Escherichia coli O157:H7  during ripening of cheddar cheeses manufactured from unpasteurized  raw milk. lwt food science and technology (2020)

- Chon et al., Virulence Characteristics of mecA-Positive Multidrug-Resistant Clinical Coagulase-Negative Staphylococci. Microorganisms (2020)

- Chon et al., Comparison of Direct Syringe Filtration and Membrane Filtration for the Selective Isolation of Campylobacter jejuni from Ready-to-Eat Sprouts. Foodborne Pathogens and Disease (2019)

- Chon et al., Supplementation of Modified Mannitol-Yolk-Polymyxin B Agar with Cefuroxime for Quantitative Detection of Bacillus cereus in Food. Journal of Food Science (2019) 

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